
Watch And See

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Maurice Alfred Washington Redskins "This is a very good thing to believe

Mike Wise, Posted: 31 December

Immediately after midnight, and Alfred "Mazda" Morris handed cell phone in the middle of the locker room full of broad grinning men in black "NFC East champions" baseball caps.

"Who is talking?" Someone asks.

"Peter King."

Sports Illustrated and NBC today, ESPN tomorrow. Why does not the White House just a few weeks?

"Man, if you had said that I would play college 1-11 team a year ago, and I would be standing here in the middle of it all ..."

Morris gather his belongings, scan the dressing room with 300-pound behemoths smile and laugh, some as big and strong as DeMarcus Ware and the Dallas Cowboys, he used traffic cones hour.

Then he walks over to a 30-degree night without a jacket, in the direction of the players in the parking lot, where men and women pushing 50 behind barricades chant "Al-fred Morris!"

A bearded man wearing a Santa Claus suit, brilliant with John Riggins Jersey protruding under a cigarette dangling from his lips, hands Morris black Sharpie, he agreed to sign with a cardboard sign him to read, "Hey RGIII, throw it to me."

"Crazy, huh," he said, scribbling his signature, half smiling.

More like a surreal number.

Two hundred meters and three touchdowns in the division title game. May equivalent to football stadiums more than 16 for the season, nearly 100 meters, more than anyone in franchise history to rush ever in a single season. Oh, and Robert Griffin III said to him after the game, "You're my Terrell Davis." What kind of makes Eloy John Morris RGIII, or not?

I can not believe this is all happening, "Morris." I really can not. "

Last night of the season has become the end of the year. And extremely Alfred Morris - all 5 feet 9, 216 pounds of him Stumpy - and this team is still here.

He could not cut it. He did not practice squad away forever behind Tim Hightower and Roy, Jr., helps Evan ROYSTER

Instead, he put his head down, lowered his shoulder and careened off the bigger, stronger male relative pittance paid millions more than his Rookie minimum salary.

And here was the payoff and select the sixth round of Florida Atlantic drawl, tucking the ball in his right hand, and the game runs on the field Kool And The Gang "Celebration" flourish over the stadium speakers - one week in a playoff game 1!

Alfred Morris, the perfect team to the window to be used 3-6: NFL long shots of the end of December legends, both of them. Just like that.

Some things to bear asks:

3 rookies who imagine - form a 204 points this season - only two NFL scouts, and older players have heard this time a year ago?

How Kai Forbath, a place kicker and cut by Tampa Bay, where Billy Cundiff and set the NFL record of 17 straight will do to start a career, including some of the pressure of the shoe keeps the season going?

How was the defense that gave up nearly 5,000 yards passing, they made all the stops for the last seven weeks, the rookies and veterans alike, and co-running the fading moments fade?

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