
Watch And See

Saturday 26 January 2013

JJ Abrams officially confirmed as the director of the film 'Star Wars: Episode VII.

Help us JJ Abrams, you're our only hope.
Chief Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy has officially announced that the icon for 46 years, an expert chosen to lead the "War of the stars of the seventh chapter," the first installment of a new trilogy movie franchise of science fiction as the greatest in history.
"To be part of the next chapter of the Star Wars retreat, working with Kathy Canadian and an amazing group of people is a real honor," Abrams said in a statement. "I can be even more grateful to [creator] George Lucas now than I was as a child."
Abrams, himself a fan of "Star War" since childhood, has already proved adept power drive space after the restart of the franchise "Star Trek" in 2009 successfully. Monitoring, sheaves "Star Trek into darkness" in theaters in May.
"He's smart. Has a talent.'s Fanboy. It has been proven again and again," Leonard Maltin, a critic of "evening entertainment" and a film historian, book news. "I do not see how fans can complain."
The fans were ready to complain since Walt Disney announced in October he bought Lucasfilm. Disney bought the production studio behind "Star Wars" creator Lucas films of 4.05 billion dollars in cash and stock, and bring immediately, "Part Seven" production of date version of Sleeping 2015.
Lucasfilm also announced Friday that the "Empire Strikes Back" writer Lawrence Kasdan is a consultant on "Chapter Seven" to ensure that the Group is in a strong influence on the project. Join Michael Arndt, the screenwriter behind 2006's "Little Miss Sunshine," 2010 "Toy Story 3" and next year "Hunger Games: Fire catches," selected script.
And it does not hurt, the greatest of all Jedi Masters, has given his consent to the Abrams.
"I'm always impressed with JJ as a filmmaker and stories," Lucas said in a statement. "It is an ideal choice to lead the new movie Star Wars and inheritance could not be more virtuous".

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