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Wednesday 16 January 2013

Stuart Scott: 'Trying to stay alive for my daughters'

ESPN Stuart Scott, chemo and cancer recurrence: "I'm afraid, I'm not brave."

Put aside whatever you think ESPN announcer Stuart Scott Sports TV and listen to this person.

"I'm not going to lie, it's scary. Would be very scary thing," said the Scots with a recurrence of cancer in the game. "I immediately thought I was going to die."

Scott, who performed Sunday on SportsCenter, he did not want to go back to how it was last month, what kind of cancer - diagnosed for the first time in 2007 and was repeated in 2010.

"My immediate thought was my two daughters. Those around me," he said. "I tell people I have a lot to be brave. Do not I'm afraid, my around. Them."

His father was motivated at least in children - Taelor, 17, and Sydni, 13 may be entirely certain.

He already has three chemotherapy, and poor - out on Monday. "People associated nausea and fatigue. 'S vomiting, nausea, I found it," he said. "You emissions that .... but what do you have?"

After treatment, there is something I do not know Scott.

"The mental and physical-up form of cancer," said Scott, in the last three years in a mixed - martial arts, "my mind more than my body. 'About something that I'll be able to find ways to fight."

Lance Armstrong said that regardless of his interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong's anti-cancer efforts "very grateful", he said: "I do not about a bike race that I'm fighting cancer and do not care if you do not want to live for .... . my daughter to millions of people affected by cancer, their traditions (Armstrong), and you do not have to argue about. "

ESPN only working days are Monday chemo misses Scott - who, however, as no one in the office to show him.

"I do not want to sound like a human being in the business I have never seen my children that I have or have not heard of a company when it is compassionate ESPN, like some of it as an oath on," Scott said. "I was a high-level executive with more food than I was, wanted to bring 'Dude, at home, to stay.' It's always good to get me. "

In this sense, Scott is a lucky man. Said, sounding genuinely sincere: "I find it amazing impact my business."

Against cancer - but sideshow to the big picture.

Scott's chemo treatment and then the other of his training in the treatment of cancer patients, it is an additional motivation: "I take it easier than I can see some people can deal with.

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