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Sunday 13 January 2013

Aaron Swartz brilliant mind may be missing a fair mind

Hacker, programmer, writer and activist Aaron Swartz died about age 26, you need to commit suicide. His body was found in an apartment on Friday. Beginning with Aaron supernaturally brilliant hacker, at 14, co-developed protocol for Really Simple Syndication, or RSS, a web editing for the web age of the infrastructure was key.
19-year-old, reddit cooperate with, a new user of an office, a company that merged to create news web site traffic for a site in the world. Voraciously, read his blog to download dozens of books read this year, and the beautiful and fertile. Progressive groups Progressive Change Campaign Committee and progress - based applications, free and open Internet Keep fighting task, as a worker, work and act to stop online piracy fight for the defeat.
Creative Commons license, system architecture in 2010, and he and I were both students at Harvard Safra Center for Ethics. Aaron and I, eating and Politics,'d like to talk about ideas, and the writing was the writing of several books and was planning to speak. 21 century Renaissance man was a Nerd.
Aaron also suffer from depression yet. In 2007, he wrote about his depression, a very "sick".
Without a doubt, this was a sad time. Perhaps a loved one or plan to cancel it wrong. Fall in love with your mouth. I cry. You feel worthless. This value is issued. However, you are dark, you will know what to expect things. Bed and keep the lights, you want to keep. Depressed mood is like, no reason, and not all is well. Go outside and enjoy some fresh air or a hug, and you do not feel any better, it would appear that the state is not able to feel all the happiness felt. What color of sadness.
If you are depressed, you think, that there are literally millions of people suffering from depression are not alone and you need to know that help is available.
You need to know the time of his death, Aaron federal government filed suit and a maximum of 35 years behind bars and a $ 1 million criminal fine with threats - and I'm not exaggerating - download it for free scholarly articles online database JSTOR. Aaron is a simple script using the MIT-academic articles in the database have been widely used in computer networks to download all legal about 5 million, prosecutors charge, you will have access to a free agent. In particular, JSTOR charge or charges, but federal prosecutors to reduce crime staggering 13 count indictment against him for actions needed Aaron to leave.

In a statement, his death, Aaron and Partners Family:
"Aaron's death, it is a personal tragedy simply excessive use of the criminal justice system. Mehatxatuta and the U.S. Attorney's Office accused of not making a product formed by officials from Massachusetts and MIT-his death. Plays are"
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 is a good reason you're under, you need to review, note that they will be punished, because it is too broad, and the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz is an appearance, but Aaron office by the Governor and those who are accepted as such carelessness ball Run the.

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