
Watch And See

Wednesday 9 January 2013

'Pretty Little Liars' Report: Back Mona and she has brains

Rosewood and hover over your head slowly in the shadows of a dark night, Hanna, is nestled snug in his bed, TWAS all. It was a question as to what sprang to his bed, his Mona was. "This is a bad time?" he asks.

My mother and I decided to "O, Joey, this Pottered" - Mona that he "never go back to school, I fear that explain how the hell the Hanna-Psych-patient wound up in bed with his best friend as Wonders of [her] on the corner."

When you hear about the Mona Hanna's Gramma, it simply "read out loud." It's said that Marin Gramma must have tipped off, but his interest seems to agree.

Mother: "? Grandma and how much"
Jaimie: "Remember Betty Buckley?"
Mother: "What the Prime Minister of the night with Ashley?"

At the same time, in the middle of Rosewood, one on the streets, a large black SUV devamlılıgının off the street, he starts chasing the title skateboarder. He hits a blank, we see TobAy drive, but it was a skateboarder?

Mother: ". Whew, I'm exhausted."

But we've only just begun.

The next day, Colonel Fields - who is back apparently? - Family home arming alarms on every window, much to his dismay Rapunzel Emily as ladder hits his window. (.... So much Joey Poettering) Emily's father told her mother what happened after Garrett Rosewood police to clear the name of Garrett, but Em did not think he was innocent - after all, Ali remains unsolved murders.

Liars Hanna chain activate the phone and now quartet knew back Mona: Aria think they should be ignored, while Spencer is convinced that there may be more answers ... NAT and connection with the club. Spence dare to open his father Aria, but he says he will begin to believe that the coffin of former friends now, especially when he and Byron finally together.

Mom: ". Woah Lucy sport mixing models much"
Jaimie: ". Polka dot, checks, stripes, spots, and much more"
Mother: ".. Niiiiiice Sharon Lois & Bram Soo"

When Hannah went down to breakfast, there is a basket of muffins from Grandma Mona and told him relative Heshy and Rusty Nails, which would make awesome installment of "Are you afraid of the dark?" Grandma thinks that people can change, but Hannah was not so sure.

Now admits that his father is a suspect and Ezra brain child mamma Aria confronts Alex Mack. They take a class, and then Meredith "Center Stage" Jody (Byron's former mistress) went on maternity leave, to be adopted for its acts in American history teacher. Aria phone in the middle class has Jody and class after class when he confronts him about the rumors of texting.

Mother: "I hate to say it, but she looks good."
Jaimie:. "Right"
Mother: "This year, when?"
Jaimie: "Always Rosewood summer."
Mom ". Since October Pennsylvania winter is an"
Jaimie "Pennsylvania, but only Rosewood, like LA."

American History by Jody later, Mona goes to his locker and a knife on the inside of the door with a sigh and a brain that reads, "MAD COW Gets know different." Mad Cow is still something to discuss? I was not aware of. Jody nor seize their classmates, which adds to the look through their phones anyway, MONA brain and goes to the trash to throw knives.

Anne. "Mona is a sick puppy, of course, no teacher is not."
Jaimie: "." Clue "and monkey brain, so I learned Cantonese cuisine, a popular ... or"

Lucas goes to his ear and whispers something later. Then he said Hanna asks him, but Lucas just limps off his head hung low.

Back in the non-grade level, and bathroom, fear Aria, Spencer and Emily people will think that Mona cabinet to the brain. Of course, Aria Em and I feel sorry for him - Spencer? Not so much. And what did he lament, such as Mona, the moment is young and he is determined to gain their trust, he says. "I'm better now," he assured.

Hanna is a bother to know about the world, the risk of Aleppo - Caleb goes to the courtyard and tells you what to do with the brain. While I was wondering if you did it yourself MONA it, and then wonder why Lucas curtain and asked Caleb to get the hang of it.

Unbeknownst to him - except for lunch, Spencer and Toba very strange food and asks him, "Garrett later, he was next to fear, because Jenna transfer schools do you think?" Spencer NAT club, and later, she includes other living member of MONA, Jason, was the last surviving one of the acts, he says.

Back inside the halls Rosewood, Emily got a new janitor and sees men as Norman Bates Lost Woods Resort is welcomed. Em and Hanna and Norman secretly in the basement, see Mona has a strange baby-mask. They whisper, but his own door, and immediately shocking, checks will be heard, and hallways. For example, holding a flashlight or a pen knife. Baller Swiss Army knife, good sir.

After school - or during it, because, you know, - Aria and Ezra Harold stopped so quickly that Hanna gets a text about it. Reads basket with a balloon on the way to the door, he nearly trips, "It's a boy!" "" Of course it is dark red text. And there is a card: ".. as a child, is growing, when you speak, then you?"

Absolutely no problem talking to a person: Spencer. He and Toba very, very sweaty shirt and Wonder final period he says, "I think some of the hot tub and won." Unfortunately, this line came to a TV without a sick bag, and my mother, "he continued vomiting," but with the arrival of Jason arrives. Spencer sees his car and openly about his relationship with Mona decides to ask her. Jason's home series brings 97th field, Spencer MONA warns him not to believe it, but he says he likes to give people benefit of the doubt.

Meanwhile, Hanna, Aria, and Emily Brew meet and take into account the origin of the basket, but when it comes to Caleb that Rosewood High principal, Mona and her family have some answers in the form of a meeting between the transcript. It seems, Mona, her parents did not want to go back to Rosewood - I begged them to him.

But we have only just begun.

The next day, Colonel Field - who returned clear? - Armed alarm in each window, Rapunzel Emily's house are very frustrated ladder hit her bedroom window. (So. Joey slowly). Emily's father told her, Garrett's mother how, mahogany police Garrett name erased, but, EM has not that he was innocent - after all, Ali's murder is still unsolved.

Hannah activate liar mobile phone chain, Quartet now know, Mona replied aria think they need to ignore her, while Spencer thinks she can more answers. And a compound of NAT club. Spence dare Aria's father, but she said she did not believe that they now had the coffin buddy, especially when they finally get along and Byron.

Mom: "wow Lucy movement of many mixed-mode."
Jaime: ". Dots, diamonds, stripes, spots and more things"
Mom: "Niiii ​​iice Sousa dragon Lois Bram."

When Hannah went down to breakfast, a basket of muffins from MONA and grandmother speak cousin Heshy and rusty nails her story will be a terrible episode you afraid of the dark it? "A Reverend Mother thinks that people can change, but Hanna is not so sure.

Hannah told the girl, her commitment to the "on" the Mona Lisa and Emily agree that she and Spencer - MONA some answers. EM brought Byron again and ARIA blow? "Do you really believe that my dad drug me, me in a box" She went to the school - but before that, the son of a bitch, anti-glare glance the game, the Mona Lisa - and Emily feel bad.

The arias confronted, he acknowledged that her father and mother and baby Ezra on the brains of Alex Mack suspected. If they go to class, she saw Meredith's "Center Stage" Jody the (Byron former mistress) about her history teacher in the United States, who is on maternity leave. Jody Arias phone in the classroom, in the face of her class after her texting in class gossip.

Mother: "I hate to say it, but Meredith looks good."
Jaime:. "Yes"
Mom: '? This year is the time "
Jaime: "This is summer in mahogany."
Mom: "Is not it October they winter in Pennsylvania?".
Jaime: "Pennsylvania is like Los Angeles, but only in mahogany."

Mona Lisa "in American history, and Jody, her wardrobe, a brain inside of the door with a knife through it, sigh a sigh that says" mad cow knows another. "Mad cow even discuss it? I have absolutely no way to know her classmates over the phone, Jody did not seize the Mona Lisa is the waste is to throw away in the brains and the knife.

Mom: "The Mona Lisa is one sick puppy, of course, teachers have not been found."
Jaime: ". Monkey brains is popular Cantonese ... or so I've learned from the evidence"

Ran the Lucas and whispers something in his ear. Hannah asked him what she said, but Lucas just limped out of his head hanging low.

Non-class, in the bathroom, Aria, Spencer and Emi ly afraid people will the Mona Lisa of the dressing room in their brains thinking. Undeniably, Aria and Em felt sorry for her - Spencer? Not so much. While she complains that MONA done, teenagers to enter, and said she was determined to gain their trust. "I'm the better," she assured.

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