
Watch And See

Thursday 31 January 2013

BlackBerry 10: Not All The Right Moves

BlackBerry and his team should be congratulated. Within 12 months, which led to the company after the death of about a situation that can lead to a renewed life. Before he published nothing special, CEO of BlackBerry. Thorsten Heins thanked his predecessor, Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis, the company's profit, as they did before he took over in January 2012. Do not think for a minute, but that Balsillie and Lazaridis have played an important role in bringing the BlackBerry 10 to the market. Baby's Heins' and the press on Wednesday is inexhaustible enthusiasm and desire of a new platform for smartphones and lives.

Now we've had a couple of hours to sink the details, you can sit and watch just what the BlackBerry has been, where it has been successful and what has not.
We set achievements BlackBerry earlier this week. Has launched a new platform for smartphones, new smartphones, new features and a new company (based on the name change, and other factors).
First Hardware. They are not perfect, but the Z10 and Q10 is a decent smartphone. They do not have an attractive high quality iPhone 5, but they are easily the most beautiful blackberrys released. In particular, the fact that the company was smart enough to install all device and tap Touch + QWERTY device to overcome the two different user groups shows that he is thinking about winning new customers and to keep their faithful followers. These devices are attractive enough that some might consider taking an Android or Windows Phone.

2. Operators closed. BlackBerry BB10 support of 160 of the world's registered vehicles. This is amazing. The four largest companies in the United States (T, Sprint, T-Mobile USA and Verizon Wireless & AT) board in all or even some of the prepaid companies (Virgin Mobile USA) is a board. BB10 will be everywhere. This is good.

3. Content partners. BlackBerry BB10 create or provide any content, such as music and movie studios large list of companies, was removed. Important. Apple and Google have anything to prove, consumers are happy to get comfortable with their own devices.

4. The company's things. BlackBerry and BlackBerry Balance Conservation Need I say more? These customers to better manage their business and personal information to a business tool. BES 10, along with a strong history of RIM (as well as historically) have.

BlackBerry disappointed when:

1. Availability. Of course, BB10 devices hitting this week, Great Britain and Canada, but all over the world for almost a month is not appropriate. In fact, the Z10 U.S. carriers will not come until the middle of March and April, P10 does not come up. Heins is employed by U.S. companies is responsible for the certification process. The problem is that the Z10 will be released HTC, LG, ZTE, Samsung, Huawei and other companies, as well as the debut of the most android devices are ready for the Mobile World Congress takes place.

2. Applications. Many of the most popular application on the BlackBerry is now iOS and Android, it will be possible to list a number of applications. It starts with a total of about 70,000. Despite an initial list, such as Netflix, Instagram, SnapChat, etc. There is a significant shortcoming.

3. Prices. Pricing of the region, as well as changes in the U.S. $ 199 with a new contract value of the Z10 and Q10 will cost $ 149 with a new contract that will appear. These prices are not too bad, but could be more aggressive. For example, the Nokia Lumia 920 and HTC 8X, two high-end Windows phones, sell it for $ 99. BlackBerry subsidies had to be more aggressive. After all, there is an excellent smartphone that cost around $ 49 to $ 149.

4. Cashmere is consumed. Of course, BB10, the consumers, here and there, but they agree to jump ship to iOS or Android users will be BB10 is something compelling about. Android and iOS support, and consumers can trust that there is a massive ecosystem. BB10 evidence is not clear.

The BlackBerry has been working very hard over the last 12 months, that is clear. BlackBerry 10 to be a great achievement, and they market it will appeal to the Z10 and Q10. The defendants in the United States at the BlackBerry iOS and Android will win more users. The BB10 sales, however, will be interesting to see how the impact of Microsoft Windows 8 platform. Right now, that's the story. This is the third player in the smartphone platform race will be: RIM or Microsoft?

At this point, it is difficult to predict the results.

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