
Watch And See

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Ronda Rousey

It remains to be seen waves end.While Ronda Rousey, UFC and women 's support, Rousey promoter can be prepared and exciting game.

Jim Rome Show on Wednesday the long-held belief that once Rousey fighters to avoid sex before a match should be showing. When Rousey admitted that the science is uncertain, it is clear that the men and women when it comes, it is not.

"Girls, it raised testosterone, so I will fight themselves, I will try as much as possible," he said in Rome. I like "and, I do not like a Craigslist ad or something, but I have one, it was like, 'Yo, time is becoming a struggle not to be steady'm.'

It was the first war Rousey is not supported in this intimacy. He Conan August that statement."Maybe we take it out of them or something," she said, as O'Brien squirmed behind his desk. "I don't know the exact science behind it. But maybe that was a pick-up line I heard before. Who knows?"

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