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Friday 21 December 2012

Mayan calender cant kill us but Qayamat

Thousands of people visit the Mayan ruins in Mexico and Guatemala on Friday to celebrate the end of the Mayan calendar are expected.
The Mayan long count calendar items closes on 21 December. Maybe it's time to get much beyond the time it is.
The mystery of Tortuguero, Maya site in Mexico on December 21 carved stone work. Something that I really do not think that day is a sign to see the page.
U.S. Space Agency NASA said that thousands of people contacted their fears, seek advice on what to do
2012 will be over confident site.Survival written to storage sets of people around the world have been reported. Number of impending disaster, many cities in the world to have a designated safety zone around it.
Sirince village in western Turkey is one of the places where the Virgin Mary, so that the city is supposed to have been given bhavisyaddarsanada, from place to place, said that he was raised to the sky. He said that the report of 400 restaurants.
Failure to create a large number - bugarach Doomsday rumors that have been given a small French village in search of descendants of the followers, hundreds of journalists.
In many Asian capitals, apocalyptic themed restaurant and club events and dinner is scheduled for this Friday.
Statements were also serious in parts of China, where the states are global Times reported that "Mayan ritual" held in the southern province of Hunan, to attract foreign visitors. But there was also arrested approximately 1,000 followers of the Christian sect that spread rumors and called Doomsday followers to kill "Red Dragon" communism.
Most people around the world believe that December 21, 2012 will be Doomsday or Day of Judgement in Islam is called Qayamat.
But according to Islam Qayamat (Day of Judgment) will not transfer the following characters dreams

1. People will leave prayer
2. People will usurp Ama'naat
3.Lying is art
4. There will be murders on the slightest
5.Interest will become common
6. There will be very tall buildings
7. People sell Religion for the world
8. People will treat relatives badly
9. Justice will become a rarity
10.Lies will be considered truth
11.Clothes will be of silk
12.Bullying is a common
13. Divorce is common
14. Sudden deaths will increase
15.Usurper of Ama'naat be considered honest and honorable
16th Am'naat guardian will be called an usurper of things given to him for safekeeping
17. Liars will be treated fairly
18.People from poor backgrounds and poor
education will live in luxury (material is not room)
19. Good people, when they try to practice, will be cut off from the world
20. Alcoholic beverages are consumed
21.Women will imitate men
22. Men will imitate women
23. People swear by things other than Allah and the Quran
24.Only knows people will be welcomed with a gift
25.The lowest and the worst man in the nation will be its leader
26. People will be proud of their acts of persecution
27.Either Allah will send a Red Storm upon you
28. Or earthquakes
29. Or your faces will be changed

doomsday-apocalypse-the-end-of-the-world-2012.JPG30. He briefly explained the coming of Hazrat Esau (alaihis salam) above. Although there will be plenty of time. If this is given the money to someone in the party has refused to, then he should. This will be the time of their envy and hatred. Hazrat Esau (alaihis salam) will destroy the crucifix (the cross - a symbol of Christians). Death to pigs. Books all say Imaan island defend him. At this point, it will not be only one religion in the world, and it will be Mazhab namely Deen-e-Islam, and one to be able to Mazhab-e-Sunnat. During this time, children will play with snakes and goats graze among lions. Hazrat Esau (alaihis salam) will be on the earth for forty years. The children will lead. Once you pass, he will be buried in the Rauza-e-Anwar (Sallallahu alaihi Laah vasallam).
31. A brief synopsis of Hazrat Mahdi (Allah shave anhu) approach is: There will come a time when the entire world will be trapped in disbelief. During this time, all Abdaals Avliiah from around the world to Hijrat Harimain Sharifain. The island will be the place. The rest of the world will be filled with disbelief. It will be the month of Ramadan and do Abdaals tavaaf Kaaba and a Mahdi (scraping Allah anhu) will also be present. In Avliiah Allah will recognize it and will ask you to take (Bai'at) oath of allegiance to the hands. He refuses to fulfill prayers. And then, a voice could be heard saying: 'This is the Caliph of Allah Mahdi. Listen to what she says, and to keep His commands. "Soon I will take all Avliiah bai'at under his hands he will be with them all and go .. Dajaal After the assassination, Hazrat Esau (alaihis salam) Allah will take control, everything I command him to Mount Toor Allah to Muslims people were born, to whom I could not fight.
32.Dajaal appearance. With the exception Sharifain Haramain (Mecca and Medina), he will travel the world for forty years. In forty days, the first day of the second year of equivalent days of the week of the month on the third day, and the other in a manner equivalent to twenty four feet must be on a date. Traveled as very strong winds will use. Fitna (corruption) will be very powerful. Since the outbreak, and set fire to it. It will be a garden, as it relates to his ( Astagfirrullah)Jannat and its fire to Jahan. It's with you wherever you go. It seems that the sun rises, it seems to be a fire in the garden, there will be fire. They say that he was God. He will go to them and to all who have faith in your garden that refused to go into his fire. Give life the dead, through the lush vegetation grows barren, rain, cattle will sound when entering the barren land is buried, rises and follows him like swarms. He shows signs of various other incredible things in all these tricks and illusions will shaitaan. Essentially no effect. When it's place, and the men will remain, no. Who wish to enter Makkah and Madinah, and the angels of Allah appointed him for that. Three earthquakes will occur in Madinah Shareef. Madinah will be with Muslims under the guise of life and what their end will be, the kaafirs dajaal. These people will leave Medina and joined the army, afraid of earthquakes dajaal. The army will be with a Jewish dajaal. Inscribed on the front Kaafir will be in the Word. Muslims were able to see all the evidence, but kaafirs. After traveling the world to go to Syria. At this point, I hear Hazrat (alaihis salam) will descend on the eastern threat Jaama Musjid of Damascus. Stay there. In Ikaamat for Namaaz-e-Fajr had already called. Hazrat Mahdi One (scraping Allah anhu) will be present in this Jamaat. Hazrat Esau (alaihis salam) would command him to lead the Fajr Namaaz. Hazrat Mahdi One (scraping Allah anhu) to lead the company and Dajaal will start melting through the fragrant breath Hazrat Esau (alaihis salam), as salt dissolves in water. The fragrant smell of Hazrat sing it (alaihis salam) breath for spreading far as the eye can see. And he will flee from Hazrat Isaiah (alaihis salam) would haunt him, and threw his spear at his back, sending him into the fire of hell.

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