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Saturday 15 December 2012

NRA in war With Weapons

Why your little genius behind the slogan "Guns do not kill people, people kill people." Killed. The law was passed and the NRA. NRA believes.
NRA few minutes, it may be useful to many people in the population who are not only forced to end the ban on weapons - a weapon used to kill Connecticut Friday morning as two dozen people. (Right photo has 0,223 Bushmaster). NRA laws allow people with guns and forced to work in 17 countries. Promote the use of weapons laws in over 20 states, "Stand Your Ground" it away. Laws once in their life in fear, but now death squads, the house used to be, or someone to stop people in their homes, self-defense and death, power and permission to use the "castle doctrine" spread shot first step back to, one enters the house. The most famous case of this year, when George Zimmerman shot unarmed youth Trayvon Martin is in Florida. (Martin Zimmerman as defenders of the curse words used on Twitter, because he felt threatened for his life recommended.).

As Slate Emily Bazelon points out, people really care less violent society - police, prosecutors - hate these laws. "This is an abomination," the former Broward County prosecutor David Frankel, Orlando Sun Sentinel. "The ultimate goal may be good, but in reality, people are shooting at the option first, and then they say it was justified. It's almost gives them a free pass to shoot." This statement was made after a man several unarmed homeless man was shot dead at an ice cream, but before Martin's death. In 2012 we saw a famous American fast repetition cycle: mass shootings, the public outcry, political inaction, followed by the historic victory of the gun lobby.

February 26: Trayvon Martin was killed, and the Stand Your Ground law in Florida, surrounded by his initial shot stopped.
July 20: 12 people shot in Aurora, Colorado were killed and 58 people were injured in a theater.

September 22: Kalispell, Montana, shoots and garage Brice Harper Harper, who was not armed, entered and started a violent confrontation in Fredenberg Dan. Fredenberg Harper had an affair with his wife.

October 9: FLATHEAD County Attorney Ed Corrigan Harper Harper Montana law, are protected by a castle doctrine because it refuses to charge. The law only allows you to kill people to prevent them from entering your home. The State has the burden of proof does not justify the use of force.

11 December 7 Illinois circuit courts of appeal kills bans concealed weapons Moore Madigan. Illinois is the last of these prohibitions.

December 13: 'concealed weapons should be allowed in the gun "under the list of Governor Snyder in Michigan," Michigan life.

Although the NRA fight the fight, and the law allows weapons more often in place in public, often for reasons that are not amenable to reason. For example, the grounds provided by the Alabama Sen. Roger Bedford, as explained by Bloomberg earlier this week why he introduced a bill to enable people to carry a gun their cars to their large parking lots of work. "This ensures the safety and security of employees who frequently travel 20-50 km to get a job," said Bedford. I do not mean like that? If there are problems at work, people must be able to hold a gun to punish the real parking station? Or does it mean that people can also shoot to kill, while driving on the road to get to work?

Fear of NRA is a grassroots political in America, this group has had the punished more gun control. Foundation reports that sunlight organs of political arm received only 0.83 percent return on investment their campaign expenses. NRA is $ 10942533 2012 elections, less than 1 percent of the race with the rules of Sin Lao paid on time. For example, only 6 of the actual announcement. (NRA disputes analysis such as this, claiming that the money will be spent to support those, clearly smarter than the investment of money in the next battle, it also powers the local level -. Bloomberg said that they help Tennessee parliamentary friendship group Debra Maggart who can win, right hand in the park.)

And other evidence, NRA is winning culture that accepts people wrote that all should not allow us that people all over the world want a trade war, when the writer is given, to find the eternal love of weapons or Yankee liberal sissy Mother Jones, Adam Weinstein on Friday . ". As a collector of weapons release a third, I'm telling you now, and they go after all the foil bypass Bircher NRA peckerwood w / long gun .... Now "Bazelon is a Slate in October as" Call Me a wimp who is afraid of guns ... "Was fanatically pro-gun control my people I have ever met in the infantry and served in Iraq.

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