
Watch And See

Sunday 16 December 2012

Anonymous Hacks Westboro Baptist Church: All of your personal information

Baptist hacking collective known as Anonymous renewed war against today. After the notorious disdain the Church by Anonymous on 20 Sandy killed in school shooting reissued in response to church members, children and professional personal information picket cemeteries. Members are in direct contact with the public on what they do, and people who are killing our children will think they can disrupt the funeral.

Crazy version of the Baptist Church of Our Lady of the poison is reached the alarm message to the Americans years. Many families Phelps, members of the so-called church councils, the most urgent and married, God kills children and soldiers. They go behind the Baptist Church continues to preach God's plan for lesbian and twisted version of Christianity in America destroyed by hatred. Fred incredible obsession with homosexuality and family, in many cases it seems that the fire "protest too friend."

Anonymous is the Westboro Baptist Church for several months, repeatedly hack their websites. Recently, the church set up a fake letter accusing hacking group, in order to deceive others by hackers to attack the website. Anonymous warned his followers of the church planned to get Internet addresses and sue people. Form of people seem to be operating the Westboro Baptist Church when they are not screaming hate funerals.

Of course, denied and mocked at the Westboro by Anonymous hackers incompetent. They claimed that their home was protected by God. A big mistake. A few days later, when the Westboro spokesman boasted that the church passed on a radio talk show Anonymous, Anonymous spokesman called the church's website hacked and broadcasted in real time.

Hopefully saner heads will win and nothing terrible happens if the Westboro Baptist Church shows up in Newtown, Connecticut. State Police made an emergency decision for each soldier to determine the victim's family, in order to avoid unwanted idiots from tormenting them and protect your privacy.

It is hard to imagine what kind of person would go to a funeral for the children and promote hate filled message Phelps family and their supporters. While we certainly do not condone illegal activity, it's hard not to root for Anonymous, because they take it they are sad, pathetic excuses for human beings from the Westboro Baptist Church. If a church website is offline forever, it would not present too early to most Americans.

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