
Watch And See

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Right to Work Protest

Michigan is a state crippled power of organized labor union threatened Tuesday to perhaps the nation's industrial hub dominance pinnacle of comprehensive legislation in force.

Thousands of angry union members shouted their disapproval outside the state Capitol in Lansing, the Republican-controlled legislature's ban on unions that require workers to pay dues completed work on two measures. Governor Rick Snyder (R) and then signed into law on Tuesday evening.

"Work" initiative shows that the use of legislative power to the Republicans won a majority in the state in 2010 to pursue their policy preferences, even after losing a bitter presidential election.

Devastating loss of Walaml, which for decades waged a fierce struggle against the influence of membership decline and Waning

But the fact that the root of the Democratic Party, which relies on the financial support of the unions to mobilize voters and President Obama's re-election.Nearly two years after the New Testament Wisconsin Governor Scott (R) Walker's collective bargaining rights of public employees to reduce launched a campaign. Unions and liberal activists mass protests led by Walker tried to induce led an unsuccessful attempt.

In addition, several other Republican-funded trade mission control states spreading from Midwest Industrial Union to reduce the influence.

Wisconsin and Indiana laws by limiting the reach of organized labor. Ohio lawmakers is a law that public sector unions of collective bargaining rights passed down, but voters are reversed.

Michigan supporters of the drawing process, some past efforts to avoid tactical mistakes. Measures are included in the bill means that exempts be included in the referendum. I deleted firefighters and police teams were instrumental in changing the law in Ohio.

Posters in Michigan State's victory is particularly significant as the country's largest labor group, the birthplace of the United Auto Workers union is one. The company was founded in 1935, union wages and benefits to workers Winners vehicle assembly line work is solid middle class jobs are organized.

Scott Hägerstrom, Michigan director of American prosperity, said: "This really is a message to other states that it is a closed club shop, if you can do it is another,". Group industrialists Charles and David Koch, billionaires who have tried conservative anti-union, and support.

Proponents of the new law predicted an era of global competition for economic development will be helpful,is weak.

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