
Watch And See

Thursday 13 December 2012

Meteor Radiant is shown on 13th dec

Skywatchers get ready: Geminid meteor shower will culminate on Friday morning around 3:00 local time, and is expected to put on quite a show.

Bill Cooke, head of the Environment at NASA's meteoroid told the Huffington Post that Geminid meteor shower may be the best year of more than 100 meteors or "Shooting Stars" can be seen at all hours of the audience I saw some couples. Every minute, Cooke said.

The Geminids are not even peak yet, the shower is a "knock people's socks off," Cooke said. reports that the compound is a new phase Monday as the audience will not have to worry about glare interrupting your view of the meteorite.
Most meteor showers occur when the Earth through the debris left behind the comet. Geminid meteor shower, but the source of debris from 3200 Phaethon, "Comets Rock".

Meteora never seen before will look at the same time. This shower debris from the comet Wirtanen can produce up to 30 meteors per hour, according to NASA.The best way to watch a meteor shower is going on stage at the city lights. Viewers should lie on the floor and look straight up as much as you can see from the sky. But do not expect to see any meteors until you let set 30-40 minutes for your eyes to darkness, and to be flat to a minimum, at least an hour.

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